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Apr 16, 2013

Sapphire HD 7790 2 GB OC (Single Fan) Graphics Card

Sapphire may already have a pair of Radeon HD 7790 graphics cards out, but that didn't stop it from launching another one.

Called Sapphire HD 7790 2 GB OC, it uses 2 GB of GDDR5 VRAM memory. The OC stands for “overclocked” of course, and we don't just mean the GPU. While other video cards only push the graphics processing unit farther and leave the memory alone, this is not the case for the Sapphire HD 7790 2 GB OC. 

The GPU works fast sure enough (1050 MHz versus 1000 MHz) and the VRAM operates at 1600 MHz (6.4 GHz effective) versus 1500 MHz (6 GHz effective). The product page of the Sapphire adapter has all the information, though a price was not forthcoming. Probably in the realm of $160 / 160 Euro.

Sapphire HD 7790 2 GB OC
Images credits to Sapphire


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