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Oct 30, 2012

Meet Steve. Meet his New Windows Phone, First Windows Phone 8 Ad

Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer is actively involved in the marketing of Windows Phone 8, and he is present in the very first video ad with the platform.

According to the Redmond-based software giant, Windows Phone 8 has been designed as the most personal mobile operating system out there, and said commercial, available above, comes as a proof of that. The video presents Steve Ballmer’s own Windows Phone 8 device, with CEO’s own voice heard in the background.

His phone is different from the smartphone of another Windows Phone user, and Ballmer stressed on this yesterday in San Francisco when he mentioned Joe Belfiore’s and Jessica Alba’s Windows Phones in addition to his. With the possibility to change not only what’s being displayed on the screen, but also the color of the device (through shells as those available for Lumia 820), a Windows Phone can indeed become highly personal.

What makes Windows Phone, Steve's phone? Find out from Steve Ballmer and check out the Live Apps he uses most on his Start screen.

Meet yours: http://newwp.it/aP85hI
Video credits to WindowsPhone


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