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Feb 10, 2012

iPad 3 Boasts a "Truly Amazing" Display, Says Apple Staffer

An Apple employee speaking on the condition of anonymity has revealed to the NT Times’ Bits blog that the next iPad features a “truly amazing” screen.

This person confirmed to the American news blog that Apple is actively testing iPad 3 units internally.

The device is “essentially the same size and shape as the iPad 2,” the staffer said, with an improved and “truly amazing” screen. Apple is also throwing in a faster processor, according to this person.

While this is pretty much on par with every iPad 3 rumor out there, it doesn’t hurt to hear it coming from the mouth of an (alleged) Apple staffer who was eager to share these details with the press.

Apple is reportedly gearing up to launch the iPad 3 at a special event scheduled for the first week of March.

The venue Apple has chosen for the announcement is believed to be the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, California.

Several leaks from parts manufacturers have painted a rough picture of what the iPad 3 will boast in terms of functionality.

Some leaks, for example, indicate that the tablet will have a bigger camera module. Others suggest there will be more battery space inside the chassis, and that the logic board will take up even less space.

The device is virtually identical to its predecessor (the current generation of iPads), which means this third iPad is much like the iPhone 4S upgrade from the iPhone 4. Some have even suggested that Apple’s upcoming tablet will have a 2S moniker, with the real iPad 3 being slated for fall 2012.

But since the iPad 2 itself can be considered a mere updated version of the original tablet, why would this year’s refresh be any different?


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