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Jan 18, 2012

Samsung to Deliver Smartphones with Better Battery Life This Year

South Korean mobile phone maker Samsung is getting ready for the release of new, highly appealing mobile phones this year and promises better battery life for them as well.

Today’s always-connected smartphones offer multitasking and fast data transfer speeds, while also packing large touchscreen displays.

All these result in the phone’s battery being drained fast, which means that you’ll need to be close to a power outlet at least once a day, if not more often.

Samsung says that their devices will be able to fare better this year, and that users will enjoy prolonged battery life with new handsets. 

"When you wake up to when you go to bed, we don't want you feeling anxiety about your battery life," Kevin Packingham, vice president of product innovation at Samsung, said in an interview at CES, CNet reports. 

Samsung’s users are not the only ones to suffer from such issues. Handsets from companies like Motorola are also delivering shorter usage times than they used to.

Thus, the mobile phone maker is considering the possibility of including a larger battery inside its devices, although this would make them bulkier than before. 

At the same time, Samsung will work on improving some of the handset’s capabilities, in order to make them less power consuming. 

For example, it will change the manner in which its devices handle Wi-Fi connections, or how they connect to 4G LTE. Future devices won’t be constantly searching for the LTE network, which will further reduce power consumption. 

Power drain will always be an issue when it comes to mobile phones, even with constant improvements brought to batteries and with optimizations packed inside devices. 

Last year was a good year for the company, but 2012 is expected to be better. New handsets will offer both impressive designs and better performance capabilities, Samsung suggests. Keep an eye on this space for more on this.


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