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Aug 13, 2011

Download Firefox 6 Final Today

Mozilla has wrapped up the development process of Firefox 6 and is already offering downloads of Firefox 5’s successor. However, the launch of Firefox 6 Final has yet to be announced officially, as the bits have not started being offered to the public.  Instead, the open source browser vendor is serving Firefox 6 Final through its FTP servers, at least at the time of this article. I don’t doubt that this will change soon enough, but for now, users can grab Firefox 6 via the link at the bottom of this article.  As I told you earlier this week, Mozilla was planning to launch Firefox 6 on August 16th, 2011. For all I know, that date continues to be the official release deadline for the latest major iteration of Firefox browser.  Unofficially though, the fully-fledged Firefox...

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